For many admins, a good workday means a productive workday. A productive day is when we checked a lot of items off the never-ending task list. While it is satisfying to have days like this, it’s not always realistic. Some days we feel burned out, tired or overwhelmed, or have days of ceaseless interruptions and/or meetings. We want to both stop everything and push through at the same time because we’re not mentally ready to continue working, but we know if we don’t, the work will just be waiting for us tomorrow. Judging us. To get us through these moments, here are my tips to stay motivated throughout the workday.
The Tried and True: Checklist
Yes, I know this isn’t new, but it’s helpful to remember the value of a checklist when you’re feeling overwhelmed or burned out. While I pretty much always have a checklist going, sometimes I might not have always written down all of the actual tasks to do. I simply know, whether out of routine or habit, they need to be done.
The dopamine rush of marking an item off my list is strong. So sometimes, even if I know I won’t forget to complete said unwritten item, I take the time to add it to my daily list just so I can reward myself with the dopamine rush and give myself credit for completing the task.
As you all know, I love me some Trello, and I use the software to organize my entire administrative work life. So, if I didn’t fully plan out a task, event, or project, but I know many unwritten tasks needs to be completed, I add the tasks to Trello. I still did the work! It counts!
I ESPECIALLY do this on days when I feel like I’m not making not much progress, and I need a win. I did the work and therefore deserve the dopamine hit. 🙂
Reorganizing, re-evaluating, and updating your current checklist could help you see through the foggy haze of juggling too many tasks. The ability to re-evaluate in order to pinpoint when you need to have certain tasks completed, can help change your perspective on your workload, which might be the key to staying motivated.
Find a Dope Beat to Step To: Set the Mood

Full disclosure, if I hear words when I am writing something, there’s an over 50% chance that I’ll write the words I am listening rather than those from my mind.
It’s irritating.
So I found something else – Chillhop. Well, there were a variety of different names this goes by, but the point is – music without words but WITH sweet beats. Music can help to set the mood or tone of your environment to help you get and stay “in the zone.” Plus, there are a bunch of sources that might fit your acoustic needs.
Below are some of my favorites:
- Chillhop Essentials Fall 2018
- lofi hip hop radio – beats to relax/study to
- Studio Ghibli Summer Night Piano Collection With Nature Sounds Piano Covered by kno
- Studio Ghibli & Disney Lullaby Piano Collection with Gentle Ocean Sounds Piano Covered by kno
- Cozy Cabin Ambience – Rain and Fireplace Sounds at Night 8 Hours for Sleeping, Reading, Relaxation
I find having a calming sound profile while I am working is helpful to calm the “crazy” in my mind. I change what I listen to based on my mood and my frame of mind.
If you work with pets, the sounds/music (without the thunderstorms) have a calming effect on them too. Well, it does for my pup (he’s a senior pup, but in my heart he’ll always be a puppy).
Working in an environment that is set up for your comfort is a great way to stay motivated.
Shape Time: Pomodoro Technique
If you haven’t heard of the pomodoro technique – that’s impressive! There are hella articles about the pomodoro technique, so I won’t go into too much detail about it. But just to offer a general explanation, it’s a method that suggests you work for a small period and then break for a smaller period. During “work time,” you do nothing but work. No phones, cut off distractions, and just focus.
I use this sometimes when I have A) the energy to work and B) have a labor intensive project like doing anything in Excel or data entry to complete. Because I know a break will come, I just have to push through and try to make the most of every second.
Shaping time to help you achieve your goals is a great way to stay motivated.
It’s so popular that there’s even a Trello power-up, Pomorello, that you can try out to see if it works for you. I personally don’t use the Pomorello, but you might love it! I use an app on my phone that makes old-fashioned clock ticking noises.
Also, if you don’t want to feel isolated in your Pomodoro world, search YouTube for YouTubers who record themselves working through Pomodoro timers! If you are feeling isolated and you want to feel like you’re working next to a person who is dedicated to the technique who won’t break it to chat with you – check it out.
Take a Break
I suuuuuck at this. I always want to keep going, but sometimes in order to stay motivated, I should stop for a while.
Taking a break can, in my experience:
- Allow you look at a task with fresh eyes
- Be invigorating/refreshing/relaxing
- Help you clear the mind
A couple of break ideas I’ve used are:
- Watching a favorite show
- Working on a hobby (Currently, I knit.)
- Put my head back, close my eyes, and just breathe
- Go for a walk
- Make a snack
- Play a quick game
- Pet/play with your pet(s)
These might not all work for you, but come up with some ideas of your own. I mostly aim to get away from my work area/space, and actively think of anything other than work.
So whatever you find enjoyable – do that. Get some peace back so you can tackle the next item on your list!
Gameify your day: Create Milestone/Challenges
I love doing this trick to stay motivated! On days when I feel like the cards are stacked against me, I reimagine myself in an imaginary challenge show or game show. In order to win, I have to complete these tasks/challenges before the clock runs out.
I don’t actually like to compete with other people, but I am ready to challenge myself any day of the week. So I gameify the objective.
“If you can complete these 4 tasks by 11 am, you’ll be considered the most amazing admin/employee in the company. You’d be considered virtually unstoppable.”
“If you complete this entire list of tasks, even you will have to admit your greatness. Like you’ll be so on top of things, that life will be a cakewalk!” (mmmm, caaaaakeee)
I love this because there’s a feeling of glory that I add to it. However, if you actually want a tangible reward, do it! I will gladly admit that on particularly productive gameified days, wine was my reward. It makes it more fun with an additional bonus to light a fire under you to complete as much as you can.
But What Happens if You Lose
You never really lose. You did a lot to get to where you are now. It had to be done.
You couldn’t have done a better job than the best that you did today. Still reward yourself because your best is all (and the most) you can ever give.
Give yourself credit for never giving up, and even when you saw you would not make it, you stayed fighting to the end. That’s incredible!!
You deserve a glass (or two+) of wine, or whatever your soul is craving. You still rocked today’s face!!!
I hope you enjoyed my list of tips to stay motivated throughout the workday. I definitely enjoyed sharing my strategies with you! I know there were a lot of Aaliyah references, but I regret nothing.
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Photo Credits:
Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash