I believe it’s important to embrace applying for administrative jobs while still employed, even if you decide not to quit your current admin job. I know it’s not normal for professionals in administrative support services to do this, even if we’re just “okay.” For myself and many other admins, the pull to be “loyal” and not “a flight risk” are powerful deterrents to us leaving a job.
We often keep in the back of our minds ways to look, sound, and behave as a loyal employee. To be perfectly honest, I love that our profession is so closely associated with loyalty. I feel more connected to our profession simply because of this underlying characteristic, because I believe that loyalty is one of my main personality traits.
Having said that, and for those of you who view our profession similarly, I feel it’s crucial to point out why applying for admin jobs while still employed is important.
Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
Applying for Administrative Jobs Creates Opportunity
The Unknown
Whether you are just starting a job or been around for a while, no one knows how your position will look over time. Even if a job somehow stays the same for a very long time, it’s more rare if you and your needs don’t change.
By applying for jobs while still employed, you’re able to open up your professional world to new and more options. You never know what jobs are out there unless you keep up with it. You can apply for the dream jobs while you have job security. If a company wants to hire you, the process might take a long time – and that will be time you can afford to spend.
Choosing to apply, interview, and accept a job not out of desperation and necessity gives each of us a better opportunity to make the best decision for our happiness and future. We don’t have to settle. We can ask for higher pay. If we don’t get the job, we’ll be okay.

More Work Options
I LOVE new opportunities. I love feeling like I have options to choose from that could make me happy. If you’ve ever felt trapped in a job, it’s terrible. I have, and I never want to feel that way again. I don’t have to take any job offers if they don’t suit me. Knowing that I’m staying in the employment game makes me feel more in charge of my life.
Applying for Administrative Jobs Helps Keep your Resume Up to Date
I hate updating my resume. It’s kind of boring and somehow feels impossible to do well. I have the biggest issue trying to cut down all the Jill of all Trades responsibilities in a why that seems believable to another person. I fully confess to not being the best at writing resumes, but that is exactly why it’s important for me to keep applying for jobs.
Applying forces me to be fully aware of what’s on my resume, where to find pieces of information, and common areas that need frequent updates. You never know when someone might show interest and simply ask for your resume. Having your resume ready and updated is a wonderful sign that you are always prepared, not just at your job, but for yourself.
Major Accomplishments

Last, keeping your resume up to date will help you remember to include major accomplishments from your positions. I found that when I don’t regularly update my resume, I can’t remember all the awesome, unique, and measurable accomplishments to showcase on my resume.
That stinks!
So consider keeping your resume up to date whenever you can. I found that if I put everything I’ve done or accomplished on a base resume, I can simply delete all of irrelevant parts and tailor each application to the job I’m applying to.
Being genuine is important to me when I apply for any job. I want the organization to hire me for me, so we have the best chance of being happy together.
When You Apply for Jobs You Stay “in the know”
What the world, companies, and you need over time inevitably changes. That’s simply the truth.
When you regularly apply for admin jobs, you can see the gradual changes of what companies are looking for. You can see what skills and experience they are looking at from any industry you’re interested in. When you find time to pay attention to these details, you might even find a company or organization that you really like.

Staying “in the know” can also help you determine the current wages for similar jobs. Having the benefit of being able to compare your current workload and pay to another job is super helpful.
You can use this information to help you make an informed raise or promotion request, or give you a baseline from which to help you evaluate your current pay and title.
Unfortunately, the pay for our profession isn’t particularly high. Having more ammunition to help you get what you need and want to live on could be crucial to your success.
Last, applying and looking for new jobs can show you what new technology companies are asking for. In my experience, I’m happy to see that software like Trello and Asana being requested as a required or preferred skill! There are so many other wonderful new software and programs to explore, and job descriptions will tell you what is valuable.
How Applying for Jobs Help Your Professional Development
As admins, we all know there’s no set path to becoming “the best” administrative professional. When you apply for jobs or look at job descriptions regularly, you can see what skills and knowledge you need to get to the title, pay, or organization you prefer.
This is such a huge win!
I love learning, so using job descriptions to help guide my path to where I want to be is so helpful.

Classes To Take
For example, if you keep coming across jobs descriptions that sound incredible, but they are asking for a strong proficiency in Excel, you can take classes. I’m personally a fan of LinkedIn Learning for many reasons, but mostly because I love that they have pathways for you to follow so you don’t have to piece classes together.
Valued Certifications
CERTIFICATIONS y’all!! There aren’t many administrative certifications that matter to companies out there. However, if you pay attention to what job descriptions are asking for, they will tell you which certifications matter in order to get the job. If you have a serious interest in these particular positions, then getting the certification can only help you.
Just to make you aware that because you’re currently employed, your company might offer to pay for your certification. And BEFORE YOU THINK IT, you’re not stealing from the company. They offered the benefit, and it’s up to them to treat you well enough to make it to where you want to stay.
You don’t owe them anything.
You’re not taking advantage of them.
Learn New Software
Third, new software. I mentioned earlier that I’ve seen many companies asking for people with Trello or Asana experience. It’s true, things are changing. As an admin, we are a Jill of all Trades, meaning that in order to do our job effectively, we have to be more familiar with many more tools – software included.
No one taught me how to use Trello. I taught myself. When I look at job descriptions asking for Trello experience, I get happy! Conversely, when I see software that I’m not familiar with, I jot it down so I can learn more about it.
Go see if there are any new software programs that pique your interest!
I hope you all enjoyed why I believe it’s important to embrace applying for administrative jobs while still employed. Personally, I don’t see a downside. Being prepared to show up and support yourself is always important. While applying for jobs can be daunting, it’s less daunting when you’re already employed because you have stability.
Being employed when you apply for jobs can help you focus on what’s truly important to you and focus your energy on the future and your preferences.
If you’re thinking, “Woah, I haven’t even looked at my resume in so long!”
That’s exactly my point.
You don’t have to apply for jobs if you don’t want to (though it’s strongly recommended), but taking the time to get your resume reviewed or updated is a good idea!
I would love to know if you apply for jobs while you’re employed as well! Let me know in the comments, if you do, and how it helps you!
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Featured Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash