Self-reliance is an important quality to have in any area of life, but especially in your career. Being able to work independently can make you more productive and efficient, as well as give a sense of satisfaction and achievement that comes from knowing you can rely on yourself.
Are you the type of person who wishes they could rely on yourself more to get things done? Do you find it hard to work independently? If so, chances are you could benefit from developing a little more self-reliance.
Luckily, there are some things you can do to develop self-reliance and learn how to work independently. With a little effort and practice, you can start enjoying the benefits of being a self-reliant worker in no time!
Define What Self-Reliance Means to You

To me, self-reliance is the proud feeling of standing on your own two feet and having the integrity to handle life’s obstacles. It is about having confidence in oneself to take self-directed action, make progress, and foster growth from within.
Self-reliance is an amazing tool to understand our potential and make the most of it. It encourages resilience, allowing us to move us closer towards our goals and fulfill our dreams.
In my life, self-reliance means freedom and independence. I care about that deeply in my personal life too, not just my work life. In fact, it might be more important in my personal life because, to me, it’s synonymous with safety because I hold all the power I need to survive on my own. I am proud of being self-sufficient and self-reliant, and that pride gives me confidence to do so many more things.
When I look back at obstacles I’ve overcome and accomplished, I can see my growth.
Think about self-reliance looks like and means to you. It can be the source of great motivation and power in the future.
Understand Its Importance
With self-reliance and self-sufficiency, I can’t stress enough the importance of beginning with self-awareness. Knowing who you are and what you expect from yourself allows you to move forward in your life with a confidence that can only be gained from deep introspection.

It is important to understand and accept the fact that you are ultimately responsible for your own well-being and decisions. Self-reliance can also help in critical moments when your wellbeing depends on it. For example, it could help you make the right choice in a difficult situation.
Having self-reliance can be a powerful tool in any situation. From taking ownership of projects to making decisions in your personal life, understanding the importance of self-reliance can help you make better choices and be more independent.
There is great pride to be taken from soul searching and creating how you view yourself in your mind, free of outside distractions or self-judgements. You will learn a lot about yourself in the process and become self-reliant in ways you never thought possible.
Learn How to Develop Self-Reliance
Discovering your inner potential and building self-reliance is a unique journey for everyone. It’s essential to understand yourself and gain the courage and faith needed for everyday life. Learning the strategies to become more self-reliant is an exciting adventure that can truly unlock your hidden potential!

Taking the plunge and making yourself more independent is an outstanding achievement. It involves gaining new skill sets, overcoming fear, and pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone to discover what you’re really capable of! You’ll gain insight into the extent of your capabilities, and will be better able to understand what you excel at and what areas require further development.
You should also learn to accept what you are good at, as well as your limitations, and learn when it’s okay to ask for help. It’s equally important to be honest with yourself and listening to how those activities make you feel. By reliably trusting in yourself and the knowledge that comes from experience, self-reliance can be established.
Becoming more self-reliant requires introspection, contemplation and trust in your own judgement. Listen to your intuition and act on what you feel is right – it will undoubtedly lead to success!
Practice Working Independently
Working independently on new projects or tasks can be daunting, but as they say, practice makes perfect.
Honestly, I think the concept of perfection is an illusion – without room to learn and grow, your journey would be over before it even began! So while you can definitely master a task to the best of your abilities, it might still not be the best execution.
So, pick a new project or task and practice working independently on it. Not only can this prove to yourself what you’re capable of, but even if you fail at it the first time, seeing your successes the second or third time round will be even more rewarding!
For example, I was terrified to start this blog, but I’m still trying – that’s all practice makes perfect means – that one day I’ll get better at it and once you get into the practice of working independently, things will become normal for you too.
Ask for Feedback
Many times there’s so much emphasis on being “right” and “wrong” that it scares people into not asking for feedback out of fear of having their work discredited. Yet, many people don’t understand that feedback isn’t necessarily about being “right” or “wrong”.
Feedback is really about getting an external perspective on the internal process – to figure out if there are any areas of improvement from a different point of view.

For picking who you should ask for advice, pick people whom you respect and whose only motive is for the betterment of somebody else.
When taking on advice or feedback, it’s essential to exercise caution and select who you listen to carefully. Remember, not everyone may be familiar with what you do, so don’t give in to your emotions and become defensive or take anything personally!
It’s tough to accept constructive criticism sometimes, but it’s an essential part of growth. Plus, providing positive responses in response to helpful ideas and suggestions will cultivate a genuine exchange of thoughts and perspectives.
Last, remember that sometimes the person giving the feedback is more scared than the person receiving it because they don’t know how the comments will be received. While feedback is good, you might come across some which may not always be helpful or have context; therefore, be mindful about what you decide to take in.
Self-reliance is the key to having a meaningful life. When we understand its importance and focus on becoming independent, we can learn to trust our abilities and use them to bring our dreams into reality! Self-reliance truly unlocks the magical door of creating an amazing life!
Building independence can be a daunting task if you’re used to relying on external help, but believe me when I say that it is totally worth the effort! The sense of freedom and accomplishment it gives is unparalleled!
Let’s strengthen our self-dependency and resilience as life throws unexpected curveballs our way. This will help us stay true to ourselves and protect our identities, no matter what comes our way!
Start today by setting yourself achievable personal goals and working on projects or tasks independently. To help you improve, seek feedback from those you trust. Family and friends can be a significant support here. Aim to refine your skills with each attempt!
Life is meant to be enjoyed! So embark upon this journey of developing self-reliance and find joy in each moment as new possibilities arise. What do you do to develop self-reliance? Let me know in the comments!
Feature Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash